HOME OF CHRIST 3 is composed of two congregations that attend a Chinese service and an English service (that’s us!). Although made up of two different groups, our focus and drive is to be unified in one body, just as the Lord has called the Church to be of one Body (Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:12).
HOME OF CHRIST 3, officially called The Home of Christ Church in Fremont, is a local non-denominational church founded by Bishop Shih-Yuan Kou on Thanksgiving day in 1979, based on the vision that “the church is the household (‘home’) of the living God and the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Since our humble beginnings, we have strived to be a group of Christians learning how to love and bless our Lord Jesus Christ more every day by deepening our relationship with Him and reflecting His love through our community.
HOME OF CHRIST 3 is one of seven Bay Area churches. The very first US-based Home of Christ was founded in Menlo Park, California in 1978. By the grace of God, Home of Christ 1 was followed by six churches around the Bay Area, including locations in the cities of San Francisco, San Jose, Cupertino, Newark, Morgan Hill, and Fremont (that's us!).
Our Mission Statement
Honoring Christ through Worship
We join together in worship regularly on Sunday as a multi-generational family, ready to give of ourselves in honor of Christ through the singing of hymns and worship songs, in addition to the reading, hearing, and application of the Word of God in our lives.
Obeying God's Word through Instruction
We aspire that every Christian be equipped in the Word so that they may be mature followers of Christ, living out His truths on a daily basis. This is done through Sunday preaching, teaching, discipleship, and training.
Maturing in Christ's Love through Fellowship
Fellowship is about connecting and building close relationships. We STRONGLY encourage every believer to be actively involved in a small group setting so that there is interaction, connecting, accountability, and encouraging of one another, both in the Word and in practical Christian living.
Expressing our gifts through service and Evangelism
We believe that God has called every Christian to be a witness (Acts 1:8). We want to emphasize the power of a believer's testimony and every person's ability to reach out to their friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. This is done through much prayer, development of relationships, and personal witnessing. It is through simple relationships that we seek to develop workers for the fulfilling of Christ's Great Commission.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”